If you make, supply or use chemicals in your business there are things you might need to do to be ready for Brexit.
If you are a small business that uses chemicals, you need to make sure you can still get the products and materials you need. Check with others in your supply chain that they are aware of the changes, so they are ready to comply with specific regulations after Brexit.
HSE has important information on classifying, labelling and packaging chemicals and how to get authorisation for the use of biocidal substances and products to assist you with your preparations for Brexit. You can also find guidance on pesticides and plant protection products as well as importing and exporting chemicals:
- Biocides Authorisation of biocidal substances and products (BPR)
- CLP Classification, labelling and packaging of substances and chemicals
- PIC Export and import of hazardous chemicals from and into Europe
- PPP Pesticides or Plant Protection Products
All UK businesses who make chemicals, supply them to the EU or buy them from EU suppliers will need to register their chemicals at a new UK government portal under new legislation called UK REACH (Registration, evaluation, authorisation, and restriction of chemicals). Further information on maintaining access and registering new chemicals with the European Economic market (EEA) can be found here.
It’s also important to remember your responsibilities for protecting the health and safety of your workers will not change after Brexit.
The government has made it clear it hopes the UK can leave the EU with a deal on 31 October 2019. You can view the Prime Minister’s letter setting out the government’s proposal for a new Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland here.
Sign-up for more information on how Brexit might affect your business or for specific enquiries contact EU-exitchemicals@hse.gov.uk
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