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Membership – Fellow

£161.00 / year

To make an application to become an IExpE Fellow requires the submission of the completed application form together with all documents in support. You can monitor the progress of your application via your account on the IExpE website.

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Qualifying Criteria

The status of Fellow of the Institute of Explosives Engineers is the highest professional grade of membership of the Institute. The awarding of the grade of Fellow will be a reflection on the individual’s professional achievements and standing within the explosives profession, and the contributions made and recognised by the applicant’s peer group.

Any member wishing to apply for the grade of Fellow should ensure they meet the following minimum requirements:-


over 35 years of age; and

have had at least 15 years of experience connected with explosives engineering; and

have been a voting member of the Institute for a minimum of five years (unless applying for direct entry)

they are either:-

  • recognised by others, in their own specialist field, as a leading authority by having planned, negotiated, organised and supervised work of a sufficiently complex nature and responsibility, or
  • recognised by scientific and academic bodies as a research leader or technical innovator in their chosen field, or
  • a regular, authoritative contributor to scientific or technical papers on explosives related sciences, engineering or related topics, or
  • known to have contributed greatly to the improvement in safety practices and standards within the explosives industry.

The application should include a personal statement (of not less than 500 words) confirming against which of the above criteria the application is submitted. In addition, the application is required to be supported by 2 detailed references provided by one current IExpE member, and one current IExpE Fellow (of not less than 500 words). The applicant is also required to provide documents in support of qualifications and experience, and an up to date CV.

Once all documentation has been received by the Institute Administration Office the same process for assessing and processing membership applications of all grades will be followed.

Where appropriate, applications will be accepted by the Institute for direct entry as a Fellow. Such applicants must satisfy the criteria laid down within this document for being not only a member but also a Fellow, and shall be judged on their career achievements, competencies and standing amongst their peer group. While entrance through this particular route will be limited, professional eminence and achievement within the explosives fraternity shall be deemed a major deciding factor for this direct entry.

When submitting your application please be aware of the Institute’s policy in relation to criminal convictions and insolvency.  If you have at the time of entering the Institute, or subsequently acquire, any relevant conviction or become subject to any order of Insolvency you need to declare them.

The Institute has been approved by the Board of the Inland Revenue, under Section 201, Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 for members whose Tax affairs are dealt with in the UK to obtain Income Tax Relief on their Subscriptions.

Exclusive Benefits

CPD Events

Annual Conference

Quarterly Journal ‘Explosives Engineering’

Route to Professional Registration with the Engineering Council

Access to the members area of the IExpE website, where questions can be asked via the ‘Forum’

IExpE Identification Card

Ability to apply for a CSCS Card

Training Centres providing accredited and endorsed courses

Improved career prospects and wider employability

Opportunities to share or test your ideas with others through publication of articles or presenting at conferences

Jobs Board

mycareerpath CPD recording login

Apply Online…

Use the ‘Apply Now’ button above to start your online membership application.

Please be aware that by applying online you are required to provide payment details for the application fee.

Your membership subscription will not be charged until your application has been approved.

You will be emailed about the status of your application.

…or by Post

Please download the appropriate pdf form below, and post it to:

Ground Floor, Unit 1
Greyfriars Business Park
Frank Foley Way

ST16 2ST

Fellow Member - Application Form

September 2024  |  125.74 KB