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Professional Registration Applications

The Institute of Explosives Engineers are a Licenced Member of the Engineering Council. We are able to assess our Members applications for inclusion on the national register of professional engineers and technicians as Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng), and Engineering Technician (EngTech)


Chartered Engineer

Chartered Engineer


Incorporated Engineer

Incorporated Engineer


Engineering Technician

Engineering Technician
(Eng Tech)

In addition, the Institute has a national network of mentors distributed over 7 sectors of the UK, and serving three specialist sectors. Through this network we can pair our candidates with experienced explosive engineers who stand ready to advise during your journey to Professional Registration. The Institute also has a number of suitably qualified assessors who represent the Institute directly in the Professional Review Interviews that ultimately decide on candidate registration.

After joining IExpE, you may proceed with professional registration immediately, but should initially have prepared a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) record in some organised form such as the online application MyCareerPath. Your mentor will assist with your on-going application, and provide support through the process of initial and continued professional development. Depending on your qualifications and experience you will proceed to registration at an appropriate grade by either the standard or individual route.

1. Standard Route Applications

Each candidate’s educational base and work experience is taken into account, and if adequate will allow the candidate to proceed by what is known as the Standard Route. To meet the requirements of the UK Standards for Professional Engineering Competence, a candidate is required to have the following qualification in order to proceed to Chartership by the Standard route:-

  • An accredited BEng with honours plus further learning to Masters level.
  • An accredited MEng degree

The most common degrees encountered are the Explosives Ordnance Engineering and Shock Mechanics masters degrees from Cranfield University, Cavendish Laboratories and Imperial College.

If accepted for the standard route the candidate will be asked to attend a Professional Review interview (PRI). This is typically carried out by 2 assessors with an Engineering Council representative present.

Candidates applying for registration as an Engineering Technician will follow the same procedure described above, though the decision to register is usually made from the submitted evidence, without the need for an interview.

2. Individual Route Applications

If a candidate’s qualifications are not accredited (or the candidate may have no formal qualifications, chartership is possible by extraordinary experience) he/she may alternatively be invited to proceed by the Individual Application Route. This route can involve any of the following:

  • Following an academic programme specified by SEE
  • Undertaking further qualifications
  • Assessed work based learning
  • Technical Report Option
  • Any combination of the above

The most usual individual route is the Technical Report Option, which begins with a preliminary (500-750 word) synopsis on a subject of choice. The synopsis is evaluated by the Institute before the candidate is asked to produce a full technical report. After the full technical report is assessed, the candidate undergoes a specific interview regarding its subject matter.

Guidance for Assessors & Professional Registration Advisor (PRA)

IExpE have trained Professional Registrations Advisors (PRA’s) to assist applicants through the application process. Our PRA’s are already professional registered so they have had experience with the application process and they have gone through the JRB PRA training. PRA’s can answer any questions you may have, and they can read your application documents to provide feedback.

The success rate of applicants becoming professional registered when having a PRA is higher in comparison to applicants who have not had a PRA. Our PRA’s volunteer their time to help Professional Registration applicants and try and provide feedback as soon as they can. PRA’s is a free service, so please contact rizzasims@iexpe.org to help allocate you a PRA.


CEng Competence Statement


docx file


IEng Competence Statement



docx file


EngTech Competence Statement



docx file

Applicants are reminded that evidence submitted in support of applications must be in an unclassified format.

Professional Registration - Application Form

June 2023  |  190.04 KB

Professional Registration - Application Form

October 2023  |  52.97 KB

Professional Registration - Transfer / Reinstatement / Additional Application Form

June 2024  |  177.05 KB

Professional Registration - Transfer / Reinstatement / Additional Application Form

June 2024  |  54.24 KB