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IExpE members, are you already an Engineering Council registrant at another institution in the UK?

If you are already registered as a Chartered Engineer (CEng), an Incorporated Engineer (IEng) or an Engineering Technician (EngTech) with the Engineering Council via one of the professional engineering institutions they approve, then you can apply to transfer this to IExpE at the same registration level or have an additional membership of Professional Registration with IExpE.

To apply you will be required to submit the following:

  1. Completion of Transfer/Additional Membership application form – this will include a statement and signature from a sponsor on the form. 
  2. An extended CV to show career history, with the last five years in detail to demonstrate technical attributes and maintenance of engineering competence (in line with UK SPEC). The applicant should clearly signpost in their CV the evidence relevant to the UK-SPEC A & B competencies.
  3. CPD record of a minimum of 12 months.
  4. Future Development Plan (FDP) – Future CPD planned to complete in the next 12 months that includes reflection on the value and effectiveness of this.
  5. A scanned copy of a form of ID in Colour – Passport or Driving License.
  6. Make payment of the Transfer / Additional membership application fee in the sum of £120.00 (Inclusive of VAT).
  7. If application is successful, then payment of the Engineering Council Fee will apply (this will be dependent on a transfer or additional membership application).

We do not need to assess your competence statement again and, it is unlikely that we will need to interview you if you have submitted a detailed application. However, when transferring or applying for additional membership, it is important that it is clear to the review panel that you continue to maintain competence as an Explosives Engineer. For this reason, it may be necessary to request additional documentation.

To apply or for more information please get in touch with rizzasims@iexpe.org